Set five thousand years following an event known as The Great Darkness, the settlers on the world of Omitia has found their new world to be vibrant and full of life. Over the years the settlers have spread across the world to reach near every corner of the world allowing empires, kingdoms, and dynasties to rise and fall. The great Strata loom over the world with their jewelled undersides casting colourful light onto the world below.
The creatures found both upon the Strata and beneath them have changed over time as the magical light has stained them. These changes have caused many of the creatures to develop strange abilities making them incredibly ferocious.
The incredible wonders of the world and thousands of years of history have allowed all but a few to at last forget the darkness that brought them here. That which they fled however did not forget and its pawns on the world of Omitia have been scheming all with one goal in mind, allow darkness to enter the world of Omitia once more.
Introduced in this setting guide are three new classes for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. They are:
Also introduced in this setting guide are six new races for players to choose from, they are:
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